Wednesday, June 14, 2006

More from here

I went to the Marine base at Mt. Fuji yesterday for my annual rifle qualification. The base was really plain, overtly symmetrical in its architecture (which is only half-true, since when did military buildings become "architecture"?), and the air was also colder because of the higher altitude.

They stuffed about 30 of us, with all of our equipment, into this small bus and I think we slept most of the way to and back from where we are. We supposedly fired our weapons at the base of Mt.Fuji, and the rocks and soils there were all black, indication of the volcanic soil in the area. There were too much mists and clouds to make the mountain visible, and that was kind of disappointing. I hope to really be able to see the mountain up close before I leave.

Speaking of leaving, I kind of can't wait to leave here. I don't think I've yet met anyone here on this base who is happy with their jobs or with their lives or the conditions that they have found themselves in. My issues here are mainly pay issues, not being able to eat enough fruits and veggies, missing the GF,not knowing the Japanese language, and having to deal with some real dickheads from time to time. I don't think it's anything all that existential, but still, it makes me sad to see other people feeling stuck in it all.

I think I'm talking to the GF more now that I'm away. I go through 1-2 phone cards each week at $20.00 a pop, but she's worth it. I've got to apologize to my dear dog Ramen for petting other dogs while I'm not around him, they were just so cute!

I'm kinda tired today, somehow I didn't sleep enough last night to recover from the rifle range, so I'm going to hit the sack for a bit.

Sorry for not having posted much lately, I'll explain why in my next entry.

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