Sorry for the extreme laziness on blogging, but I think I've got a good reason. You see, with my day job, child caring, and all the stuff in between, I tend to take care of these things first rather than writing and reflecting about life. I will try to do better this year.
2011, in closing, sucked. We've lost our cats due to sudden illnesses and the only thing we have left now of them are their ashes on our fireplace mantle. Ramen dog, thankfully, is still here with us, and he loves our kid. Even he is getting old and I'm just so hoping that he at least has a few good years left in him.
Noah Maxx is now 17 months old and he has been nothing but pure joy to have around. While he does have a strong personality and got his moments, we couldn't remember our lives before him! So far, he had no major health issues except for his eczema, and food allergy, to peanut, so bad that we had to take him to the ER. He's alright now, just have to make sure that he doesn't eat any more peanut butter and other peanut products. We're hoping that he will start to talk soon, he seems to be delayed in that area.
The GF and I, while we are good, we still have our issues and are basically going back and forth about it from time to time. Our energies are mostly consumed with child caring and keeping a roof over our heads, it seems. It's not completely a losing battle, we have our good and bad moments.
Hoping that 2012 is going well so far for you guys and gals! Until the next update, take good care!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Howdy everyone! Long time no see! Life is progressing on as normally as possible here in the freezing Mid-Atlantic state! I'd really like to find whoever that raised hell about this whole global warming bullshit and slap him/her/them upside the head!
My boy Noah Maxx is growing and healthy, and he's really a joy to be around! I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom! He's funny, curious, sweet, and already becoming a foodie in his young 5 months! Even though we're not quite like "one of these" parents who insists on organic everything, we have been making his baby food from the mega food processor that my sister had purchased for us as a birthday gift, and so far it's working out well!
My job is going on ok, even though I'd frequently fantasize about doing something else, or more or less being around friendlier people. Not that my co-workers are not nice people but either I'm ass-boring, or they are. My career goal for this year is simply to get through this contract year, one day at a time. Please don't get me wrong! I know how lucky I am just to be working and making somewhat of a decent pay, but sometimes that can feel really deceiving when I'm driving in traffic for an hour and a half each way. Maybe one day this situation will get somewhat better.
Oops, the boy is awake now...must go for now!
My boy Noah Maxx is growing and healthy, and he's really a joy to be around! I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom! He's funny, curious, sweet, and already becoming a foodie in his young 5 months! Even though we're not quite like "one of these" parents who insists on organic everything, we have been making his baby food from the mega food processor that my sister had purchased for us as a birthday gift, and so far it's working out well!
My job is going on ok, even though I'd frequently fantasize about doing something else, or more or less being around friendlier people. Not that my co-workers are not nice people but either I'm ass-boring, or they are. My career goal for this year is simply to get through this contract year, one day at a time. Please don't get me wrong! I know how lucky I am just to be working and making somewhat of a decent pay, but sometimes that can feel really deceiving when I'm driving in traffic for an hour and a half each way. Maybe one day this situation will get somewhat better.
Oops, the boy is awake now...must go for now!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The rare and few update

The GF is at home watching Noah Maxx while I'm working, and because I have a almost crazy commute to and from work, I am not able to spend as much time with Noah Maxx as I'd like to. Lately, he has been waking up at 5:30-ish in the morning and that's when I'd go and feed and change him before I have to get ready for work. In the evening, if I can get back at a "reasonable time", then I can get to hang out with him and help the GF bathe him before he goes to sleep at 7 PM-ish.
That is why weekends are great because I get to spend more time with him! He has been such a good natured and calm baby that it's almost scary!
Life has been good, even with its bumps, and now it's even better with a cute baby boy! Yes there are definitely more expenses, but that's a small price to pay for the fact that our lives are now much fuller!
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Welcome to the world, Noah Maxx!

Noah Maxx was finally born on July 29th. 2010, after being induced and 17 hours of labor! Pardon me for the delayed update, but I've simply been sleeping/eating, and doing stuff in an out of whack sort of way. Life is now lived in 3-4 hour increments of feeding and changing diapers.
He, however, has been the best baby, not overtly fussy, sweet, and just about everything that we had hoped for! I'm so glad that he's in our lives! My only regret is that his great-grandparents couldn't live long enough to meet him. I am sure though, however, that they're watching over him from where they are.
My maternity leave so far has been one of the best "vacations" ever! The only annoying parts have been dealing with the disability insurance company, as well as trying to find a new job (will explain further in the next post or two.) after the maternity leave ends.
We've had some relatives visit, to include my aunt, my sister, and the GF's family. Friends are slowly trickling in to see our little man, and I'm so happy to say that Noah Maxx doesn't seem to be weary of people he doesn't know holding him!
Most of the Noah Maxx updates will be on the "Two bad moms" blog, I've hyperlinked it for your convenience. I will update here from time to time.
Rarely are there events in life which can make one as happy as the birth of a new child, and we're so glad that he's finally here!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The latest
Hi everyone! I'm still here and pregnant! My baby is now about 6 days overdue and the plan is have him induced in another 2 days. God willing it won't hurt that badly, but what are the chances of that?
The GF and I have been taking it easy for the past week. I took off from work about less than a week prior to the baby's original due date, I didn't really feel like being a hero and work until my water broke. I am really grateful to have some lazy days before our lives take new turns, this time as parents.
I'm really thankful to the God that my pregnancy has been one of the smoothest and problem free ones that I know!
I'm sure that parenthood will be fun, tiring but exhilarating, and the perfect remedy for people who don't really have much of a life anyways! :-)
If you're interested, please click on my profile tab on the right and you'll see our other blog "2 Bad Moms", and all the baby details will be there. I will be back here updating from time to time.
Hope you're (my very few readers) all doing well in your lives, see you all soon, and by then there will be three of us!
The GF and I have been taking it easy for the past week. I took off from work about less than a week prior to the baby's original due date, I didn't really feel like being a hero and work until my water broke. I am really grateful to have some lazy days before our lives take new turns, this time as parents.
I'm really thankful to the God that my pregnancy has been one of the smoothest and problem free ones that I know!
I'm sure that parenthood will be fun, tiring but exhilarating, and the perfect remedy for people who don't really have much of a life anyways! :-)
If you're interested, please click on my profile tab on the right and you'll see our other blog "2 Bad Moms", and all the baby details will be there. I will be back here updating from time to time.
Hope you're (my very few readers) all doing well in your lives, see you all soon, and by then there will be three of us!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
3D picture time!
These pictures of our little Noah Maxx were taken two days ago. He is growing right on target and was acting shy with his little fist covering his right eye! However, our ultrasound technician was really good and got these great shots! Just 9 more weeks to go and we can't wait to finally see and hold him in person!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
It's a....

Boy! The GF and I had gone to the radiologist late last week for my second trimester ultrasound exam. It'll probably be the last ultrasound that we'll take before the baby's born, unless the obstetrician finds something that he/she is suspicious about or if the images were not clear enough.
This picture is a shot of my baby's wiener, taken from below his buttocks, and the column like structure to the left of him is my spine, the bright white line in the middle is his thigh bone.
I had no inkling whatsoever of what gender the baby is, but the GF had, about two nights before the ultrasound, she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and thought that the baby could be a boy, and she was right!
During the exam, the baby was just chilling down in my belly and even peed when the technician was checking his kidneys! They usually check for baby's size, brain size, belly size, heart and its valves (to see if they're all there and working), and kidneys. We know his bladder works because she said he was peeing while she was checking it.
Sorry that we couldn't really capture the face much, his arms were crossed and his fists were covering his face. We do have two profile pics but they didn't scan well.
He has been moving more now, on and off from when I wake up until I fall asleep! He kicks especially harder when I'm hungry. I probably would have done the same exact thing if I were him! I try to eat different types of food so that he'll hopefully one day not become a fussy eater.
We're really excited to finally know the baby's gender! Everything seemed to be going right on schedule so far! The baby now just has to grow and be delivered safely when it's time!
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