Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Jennie's World, my sister Jennifer's blog. I think it's much more interesting than mine, since she's pretty good at posting photos and you do get a better sense of what life is like for her down in Houston, with grandpa, and his helper.

The GF and I have decided not to go back to Texas for the Christmas holidays, since we are a bit short on travelling money, and I am trying to save up some more vacation days so we don't have to travel in rushed fashion. I'd like to also be able to bring at least the dog on travel with us, because he likes to travel, get petted by family, and we'd worry less with him being around us. I am hoping that my grandfather will stay healthy, perhaps get a bit stronger physically, and most of all, maybe not feel as lonely now that my grandmother is gone.

Speaking of my grandmother, they finally got her tombstone made and once again, they got the product wrong. (The first mistake was the miswriting of her name in Chinese) This time, they got the wrong style of tombstone. What does it take to get it right? She has been laying in an unmarked grave since July! I miss her immensely, and even with knowing that she's in heaven already, I can't help it but to wonder where she is right now, and how she's doing.

Work is going okay, we're humming along. Lately, I've been getting an offer or two to go back to active duty assignments, over in the West Coast, where I really had wanted to move us to not so long's tempting, but is it the right thing to do? Or maybe it's time to just buckle down and see where this day job thing will take us?

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