Sunday, January 15, 2012

A whole year later

Sorry for the extreme laziness on blogging, but I think I've got a good reason. You see, with my day job, child caring, and all the stuff in between, I tend to take care of these things first rather than writing and reflecting about life. I will try to do better this year.

2011, in closing, sucked. We've lost our cats due to sudden illnesses and the only thing we have left now of them are their ashes on our fireplace mantle. Ramen dog, thankfully, is still here with us, and he loves our kid. Even he is getting old and I'm just so hoping that he at least has a few good years left in him.

Noah Maxx is now 17 months old and he has been nothing but pure joy to have around. While he does have a strong personality and got his moments, we couldn't remember our lives before him! So far, he had no major health issues except for his eczema, and food allergy, to peanut, so bad that we had to take him to the ER. He's alright now, just have to make sure that he doesn't eat any more peanut butter and other peanut products. We're hoping that he will start to talk soon, he seems to be delayed in that area.

The GF and I, while we are good, we still have our issues and are basically going back and forth about it from time to time. Our energies are mostly consumed with child caring and keeping a roof over our heads, it seems. It's not completely a losing battle, we have our good and bad moments.

Hoping that 2012 is going well so far for you guys and gals! Until the next update, take good care!